• Good News

Agatha De Borja

An Inspiring Quote By Kimberly "Billie" Hackenson For You

A Miss Philippines Universe 4th Runner Up said:

"I was a survivor of gender-based abuse and without knowing it, maybe so are you. I'm not here just to be a voice, I am here to amplify voices because we will not be silenced by fear anymore. We are here to be empowered by truth."-Kimberly Hackenson

Source: Rappler
Photo Credit: Kristal Terziu


  • Ivic_19
    Oct 26, 2020 13:50
    That's I call women empowerment :)
  • Franchesca Correa
    Oct 26, 2020 12:41
    Nice <3
  • Kyungg
    Oct 26, 2020 12:15
    Nice quote šŸ¤—