• Facts/Trivias

Why does a female praying mantis eat a male?

The hungry female praying mantis will not hesitate to turn their sexual partners in the afternoon. However, according to a study by scientists, from an evolutionary point of view, sexual cannibalism can also benefit male mantises.
Entomologists have chosen the Chinese mantis Tenodera sinensis as the object of their experiments, in which females eat males in the wild about 20% of the time before, during or after sex.

"We see a clear conflict of interest between a man and a woman," study co — author William brown, a biologist at the State University of new York in Fredonia, said in an interview. "But also in the male, in terms of his desire to reproduce and his concerns about approaching the female."
Thus, the researchers proved that in order for the female not to spend her own strength and be able to bear offspring, nature sacrifices males. They give the praying mantis enough nutrients to continue the race.
