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What To Expect? "BA in Political Science

What is BA in Political Science?

The Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (AB PolSci) is a four-year degree program that centers on the study of the types of government, the history and forms of political institutions, political behavior, and political policies. It covers important areas of study including Philippine Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory and Methodology, Public Administration, Political Dynamics, Local and Global Governance, and Research in Politics. 

Subjects and Curriculum

Fundamentals of Political Science
Introduction to the Philippine Government and Politics
Philippine Public Administration
Government and Politics of Southeast Asia
An Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
Ancient and Medieval Political Theories
Modern Political Theories
Introduction to International Relations
International and Regional Organizations
Introduction to Political Analysis
Quantitative Analysis of Political Data

Career Opportunities

Graduates of AB in Political Science may pursue a career path in government offices, non-government organizations, or private businesses. They may apply as a paralegal, public opinion researcher, corporate adviser for government relations, political consultant, or a professor. 

What To Expect?

Taking up political science was fun, I became socially aware, abreast with current developments, learned to appreciate the political dynamics in our country. I excelled back in college, graduated with honors and was active in various extra curricular activities.

After college, I took up Law, it was not a walk in the park. I was exposed to my ignorance, that there were still a lot of things that I really do not know. In law school, you have to split hairs, study every night, burn the midnight oil, prepare for recitations everyday.

Skills that I've acquired in my study political science and Law are logical thinking, creative skills, comprehensive analysis, proper grammar. You can't take everything at their face value, I learned to dig dipper, analyze, fully comprehend the facts, pay attention to detail while meeting established deadlines. Also, I appreciated the socratic method in learning, with that method, I got to improve memorization skills and argumentation skills.

Source: https://www.finduniversity.ph/
