• Personal Stories

Work hard. Set your goal

Hi in this blog I will to tell you about my experience, my journey, my progress and also my hardship in digital art. I only started my journey through digital art style this June 2020 and I bought my first graphic tablet on September 8 ,2020 .I got intrigued in digital art style because of my sister . For me this is another step to surpass my limitations ,since  I don’t really have a talent for art. 
I started doing digital art this pandemic. Since I got bored always laying on my back and watching some anime .I saw my sister are doing some commissions, So I thought that I want to draw too. Since I still don’t have a graphic tablet at that time I barrowed my sister’s graphic tablet and I tried to draw something it looks so easy but it is actually hard so I couldn’t draw anything. Even if it is hard I can see myself having fun from it.
Through my journey in I got to experience hardships. The first hardship that I encountered was the mapping of the pen in the tablet, but as the time past I got the hang of it. Another hardship is that I am always getting stuck at my sketches since I don’t have talent because of that there are times that I just wanted to trace som picture. I tried to watch other digital artist in YouTube then I saw WLOP an Chinese artist. I got inlove with his art style, I look for his tutorial luckily there are tutorial. Up until now I am still working to improve my art style.
Since I watched WLOP draw, my goal is having a same art style as him. So I worked very hard since I don’t have talent, Tim Notke once said “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. By this time I only experiencing few mistakes, unlike when I first draw but it is not near my goal. But for now I can’t draw much of my time since there still a online class and have been busy due to the modules. I am still trying to draw something during my free time.
Through digital art I see that I am slowly building up some confidence in my arts. Even though  my art aren’t that pretty I still tried to share my arts, for me that is also another step through my limitations. I post my arts so that I can learn more and let anyone see my progress, I tried to post some of my arts in my Instagram and sometimes in MyDay but now I can’t post anything since my phone is not working anymore. For now I am still working to improve my arts.
It has been 5 months since I started digital art, I think I improved a little. I think that I still have long way to in reaching my goal. Right now I am using  Clip Studio Paint to produce my arts. I want to learn more about digital arts so I will continue to learn until I reach my goal. Even if it will take a long time to learn.


  • Franchesca Correa
    Oct 28, 2020 11:30
    nice :)
  • Kyungg
    Oct 27, 2020 14:57
    Good for you💖 nice content!