• Good News

Sunshine Ace

It's okay if you're not ready to heal yet.... 🤗

You can take your time to cry everytime the pain sinks in.
You can take your time to feel your anger and hold your grief by its hand.
You can take your time to overthink things searching for answers. 
You can take your time bargaining with heaven because your mind can’t comprehend yet what’s happening in reality.
You can’t fully embrace acceptance yet,because you’re still caught up with all that could have been. 
You can take your time to sit in the darkness and just allow yourself to fall apart over and over every time you remember all the good memories you had with them. 
You can take your time if you’re not ready to let go of the hope that maybe they’ll come back, or that maybe you can still fix things. 
You can take your time if you’re not ready to forgive them yet, or even to forgive yourself yet. 

You don’t have to rush your way out of this just because it seems that others are doing fine already than you do. Healing is not a competition of who gets back on their feet first. It’s about who took the deepest ache in their soul. I know it’s all chaotic right now but, EVEN HERE IN YOUR HURTING, YOU’RE ALSO HEALING!
