• Good News

Kevin Gonzales

Art Assignment/Project Commisioning is #MYFIRST JOB

When I was a kid, I make a hobby to draw a thing out of my imagination. I started to love Power Rangers, Dragon ball, Slam dunk, and Pokemon. My notebook is not full of lessons but drawings. I really admire those people who can sketch so, I make a habit to copy animes and make my own. At first its hard but later on I knew the techniques, this talent is amazing. I used this as my part time job. I get some art assignments/projects on primary schools and make money on it. I also teach kids how to draw like simple things and animals. I get paid while studying because life is so hard at my time, I also make art crafts for them. They are very satisfied and happy of the results of my arts. For now, I stop getting arts commision but want to  inspire this message that being poor is not an option, let this situation make you more productive and flexible. Get the best in you and find your job. I can say that once for a while I had my Art Assignment/Project Commisioning as my first job.
