1. Adults ( 21 – 25-year-olds) still need advice from their parents before getting married. For couples of this particular age category, Article 15 of the Family Code states that: “Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued until after three months following the completion of the publication of the application. A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought, together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement.” Although technically it doesn’t bar the applicants from marrying, the “90-day rule” on the issuance of the marriage licenseOpens in a new tab. means the couple who did not get positive parental advice (not unfavorable) would have to wait another three months before getting the marriage license, a formal prerequisite to getting hitched. The rule is meant to give them time to change the opposing parent’s mind as well as provide them a period to decide if they want to go through with the marriage or not. 2. An election tie will have to be broken by drawing of lots. During the last 2013 general elections, two candidates literally tossed a coinOpens in a new tab. for the mayorship of the town of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro after both men wound up tied in the race. While the whole method may look whimsical, it’s actually covered by the Omnibus Election Code which states that “the board of canvassers shall proceed to the drawing of lots of the candidates who have tied and shall proclaim as elected the candidates who may be favored by luck…” It’s also supported by Comelec Resolution No. 9648 wherein “the Board immediately notify the said candidates to appear before them for the drawing of lots to break the tie. The drawing of lots should be conducted within one (1) hour after issuance of notice by the Board to the candidates concerned.”Apparently, drawing of lots is not unique to our electoral system—several states in the US use the method as well. 3. You can still get jailed “for offending religious feelings This obscure penal law, which dates back to the religiously fervent Spanish era and which was the main charge against Carlos CeldranOpens in a new tab., states that “the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period shall be imposed upon anyone who, in a place devoted to religious worship or during the celebration of any religious ceremony, shall perform acts notoriously offensive to the feelings of the faithful.”It can be found in Article 133 of the Revised Penal Code. 4.Your family members and in-laws who commit theft, swindling, and malicious mischief against you are not criminally liable. Article 332 of the Revised Penal Code states that “No criminal, but only civil liability shall result from the commission of the crime of theft, swindling, or malicious mischief committed or caused mutually by the following persons: 1. Spouses, ascendants, and descendants, or relatives by affinity in the same line. 2. The widowed spouse with respect to the property which belonged to the deceased spouse before the same shall have passed into the possession of another. 3. Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, if living together. As to why the offended party cannot pursue criminal charges, it is on the ground of preserving family 5.Annoying people can be charged for being merely annoying. The second paragraph of Article 287 states that “any other coercion or unjust vexations shall be punished by arresto menor or a fine ranging from 5 pesos to 200 pesos, or both.” Both legal experts and laymen have condemned unjust vexation as an ambiguous catch-all provisionOpens in a new tab. with no specific meaning, merely something to charge annoying people with.