Pandemic has undeniably this demotivating effect that may currently affecting you now. Do you find it hard to be productive each passing day? Have you felt lost on things to accomplish? or procastination have already gotten over you body, mind and soul? If you're suffering from those, good news is I have five advises that might help you! 1. Learn a New Hobby I think one of the best way to be consistently productive is to find a very productive hobby! Hobby is something that is of your interest. Doing things that makes you happy, or things that you simply enjoy will motivate you to do it on a consistent basis. The question is that, how productive will it be? If it's sewing, then you can definitely take advantage of it by fixing your torn clothes or even those from your family members. Or you can make tailored crafts to sell! One hobby on trend nowadays is planting. You can try that too! It will not only benefit you but also the nature! 2. Plan a Fitness Program Aside from taking productive things from the outside factor, how about focusing it on yourself? on your health? Planning a fitness program to be productive this quarantine would be really wonderful. It would be hitting three birds at one stone. One. You'll spend your day being productive. Two. You'll boost your immune system, which we especially need nowadays. Three. It would be a total glow up for sure! Time to hit that body goals you've always wanted! 3. Start Renovations We all have this handy man spirit hidden within us. From fixing our broken toys when we were young, trying on fixing a tv with no signal, a remote that isn't fixing our broken hearts--kidding! What I want to say is that, why not instead of just lurking in your house...why not find things that you can fix or make something new again? It can be a broken chair, or an old one which you can repaint. How about your walls? Does it still look good? Maybe it also needs repainting. Or your screeching door with a loose hinge? Your stucked window pane? Maybe it's time for to give some things in your home a life! 4. Practice a skill If you're looking for something more to do, maybe it's self improvement! Another way to work on yourself is find a new skill, learn it and practice it. This won't just make you productive but also advance on some level. Take for example you want to take architecture on your college. Why not practice your drawing skills? Or your interested in Business Management. Why not try to do an advance study, watch YouTube tutorials on marketing etc.. You may also want to practice your dancing or singing skills to make it on a new level. Remember, some talent aren't born of, they're learned! 5. Commit to an Everyday Goal If you still feel lost of what to, or you don't know how to kickstart the formulated plan wired in your mind...the simpliest thing you could do first is to commit to an everyday goal! How would it be? Easy peasy. Just think of 5 or more things you will do the next day before you go to sleep! You may note it down in a piece of paper. These things can simply be reading one chapter of a book, dancing to a song, watering your plant or planting a new seed, sewing one torn clothe etc.! Make sure to accomplish the things you've listed or planned and soon you'll find yourself committing to a larger goal! Hope these tips would help you and may you find yourselves more productive than ever! _________ Staysafe and Godbless everyone! Hope you are all doing fine after the typhoons we've encountered. Praying for all typhoon victimsš