• Tips

Mazzini Saba

Writing with Impact - Writing requires purpose.

Every word you've ever seen was written to make an impact
Whether the impact that is the author intended depends on understanding, skill and artistry. This tips helps your writing the impact that you want. 
Focusing on high impact forms of writing which is advertising and literature. 

For years I had dreamed of writing my own book, I develop ideas, put together an outline even wrote the first chapter. But ultimately it ended up in a forgotten folder in my computer. Then I got a contract to write a book with a specific deadline, a well described audience and a publisher standing by ready to roll the presses. And I finish it in about a month. The difference was purpose. In this case, the publisher had settled dozen of details long before I sat down to write. Those decisions guided me while the lack of them stop me from falling through on my dream project. 

But lets get back to you. Here are some questions who's answers will guide your writing to greater impact.

Why are you writing in the first place? or to put it in another way what is success to you? is it to get people into the sales funnel? or to close the deal or some other purpose? If you're writing for a cause, you want people to oppose something bad? or support something good?  The words you use for each are quite different.

Who is the audience for your writing?, how much did they already know about the subject? how much did they care? for example: compare people late in their finance careers to those who are starting out. Jargon like leverage and amortization will have deep meanings for the first group but your ideas will have more impact on the second group if you break those terms down. 

In what format will your writing appear?  When/Where/How? 
Lets say you're writing a blog post and your website analytics says that many of your readers are in Asia, you might write with simpler language because your audience has a lot of non native English speakers. And knowing that the post wont go up for a month, will change just how nosy you make it. Formal education shows you HOW to write but it doesn't show you WHY and I argue that the WHY is more important, for there is no such thing as generic good writing. Writing is only good for its rightness to purpose, without purpose you can still string together aimless sentences that sound good which is like blindly swing a hammer on a plank of wood.
but only when you know where the nail is, can you do the job right.  
