• Quotes/Motivation

Zqy Sy

Words for a striving YOU.

I was once in your shoes. So, let me remind you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE and that is for sure in this world with 7.95 billion people - breathing. 
And most importantly, there is God, Up Up Up there.

Yes, It might be hard or maybe calm for you now. But keep this in mind, what you have or experiencing now or where you at now, is not constant. As we all know, change is the only permanent here. So smile your heart out.

You always hear these lines I bet, yet I will still say it. 

Seize every moment, each will surely give you a lesson.
Learn to say Yes. 
Break your own rules. 
And know when to say No. 
Set your limits. 
Do not be a staggered stranger on a busy street. 
Try to take risks. 
Step forward, one step at a time. 
Little by little, you will get there. 
Do it slowly but surely. 
In every battle, it is not necessary to rush.

Take note that, everything happens for such important reasons. And realizations sometimes happen during or after. And these are okay. Let us live without remorse. 

You will never know what is in store for you if you will just rely on your doubts. So take heart. 

Do not worry.
Failure is so essential, it means that we are trying and persevering. It is always part of our lives. 
Failure is not fatal and so is a success.

Focus on what you can do and let go of the uncontrollable stuff. 
God is with you, be reminded of that.


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