• Personal Stories



It's been like a week or two when I posted. The last post I had was #MYADVOCACY, that post got me thinking about my advocacy in life, what do I really want to do in my life. Funny that, at 24 I still can't figure things out. There's a lot of things that I really want to do in life. Actually, I always ask that to my self, I am breathing in a world that I don't know how to contribute to the betterment of it. 

Have I figured it out? No! I still don't know! I don't want to give up though. I will keep finding that out. Right now, I will enjoy living this life that was given to me. It's given to me, why not just enjoy it right? Yes, even though I don't know how to live with a passionate heart like most of you have, and found your way of life.  I will continue to be a good person, and be kind. I hope that'll be enough.

If I will be able to find that out soon enough, I will be thankful, if not, I will still be thankful. I think that will suffice now, to be thankful of everything that was bestowed on me. 

Now, to that "thing" that I am looking for, I really hope you would come sooner.  I need you, you know? Should I look for you? Will you find me? If it's the latter, please arrive as soon as possible.  I will be waiting, don't worry. Just please, come sooner. 


  • Kyungg
    Sep 27, 2020 20:20
    Praying for ur happiness!