• Good News

Bianca Ulan

We Encountered Irregularities On The Pageviews Statistics!

At Good Info Net, we always try to be transparent to our users. This is why we prioritized building the 'Manage Creatives' page where you can now track your Unique Pageviews.

However, we have encountered some irregularities on the data last July 6, 2020, around 10 in the morning. We figured out that we were showing page views, not UNIQUE pageviews. Now, that was an issue because both of these metrics are tracked differently!

Pageviews are defined as the total number of times the piece of content was viewed during a given period of time. Unique Pageviews represent an aggregate of pageviews generated by the same user during the same session.

The irregularities were corrected around 3 PM on the same day. 

For transparency, we use Google Analytics to track page views. Should you wish to validate your page views, feel free to email admin@goodinfonet.com to request for a screenshot of what our admins see on our Google Analytics view. We'll be happy to accommodate your requests.

We're really sorry for the confusion and inconvenience. We hope you forgive us! 🥺

The program is still on the beta phase so we may encounter hiccups along the way.

Thank you so much for your overwhelming support!

Happy Inspiring!


  • Hot Mama
    Jan 25, 2021 22:11
    Thank you good infonet
  • Mr. Everything News
    Sep 03, 2020 21:08
    Thank you Good info net ❤😇
  • Miko Michael
    Jul 14, 2020 11:59
    Its okay , its good that you guys are improving