So happy to see my share memory on Facebook. It's all about "FACTS TO BE HAPPY" by the late Miriam Defensor Santiago. F-orget the past A-ccept your mistakes C-ry and move on T-hank God S-mile always Last year, I've been in a difficult situation which leads to depression. I need to undergo some medical medication to heal it. While I am in the process of healing, I realized that I forget to be happy because I was full of guilt and hate in my heart due to some childhood traumas. Thank God cause, He gives me some support group and a caring family that helps me heal one day at a time. Now I'm still working in progress to heal fully but no medical medication now. Seeing this post reminds me that to be happy, I need to do this. And with God's guidance, I believe I will be healed fully. Smile Guys. Always remember God is always there for us