• Personal Stories

Mara Oneza

Personal Mottos To Live By☺

Why have a personal motto anyway?

You might choose one that keeps encouraging you to be the person you want to be, even when you're going through a difficult time.

Or it might help to soothe your soul in the midst of chaos, or remind you to see joy in every situation.

It could even be used to calm anxiety or stop negative self-talk, especially if you find yourself being overly self-critical.

Whenever you feel yourself falter, or you just need a little pick-me -up to lift your spirits and inspire you, you can return to this motto, it'll give you just the boost you need.

If you're reading this piece, it's  likely because you're at some kind of crossroads in your life and you'd like a phrase to motivate you.

You might even be trying to live more authentically, and could use some reassurance that your choices are right ones for you.

Whatever it is, good for you!

Life can be challenging, and every action we take toward greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment deserves acknowledgement.
