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The meaning of happiness according to thesaurus dictionary is a feeling or state of well being and contentment. In Wiktionary happiness is a feeling of pleasure and positivity. When someone feels good, proud, excited, relieved or satisfied about something that person is said to be happy. While I defend happiness as simplicity it is not about getting all you want it is about enjoying all you have in the moment. These are the things that I consider my happiness.

My happiness is opening the radio at 8:00 am everyday to listen to the Tambalan radio program. The program gives positive vibes, sense of humor, practical advice ,how to live fully in life and constantly reminding yourself to be grateful. It not only makes me laugh but also makes me smile, inspire, motivate and be grateful. The impact they make is a life changing and they are the source of happiness not only to me but also to the other people.

Completing my task in my written daily and weekly planner gives me happiness. Being able to finish the task in a specific time saves me from anxiety and procrastination. It always feels an achievement and joy when I check the underline, meaning I completed the tasks. My spare time will be used in helping my brother’s modules by discussing things they didn’t understand and how to answer the questions properly. Seeing the result of our labor in their report card makes me so happy. Helping even it is a small way makes me feel good and happy. Saying thank you or receiving thank you is a happiness for me.

The kids in our neighborhood are epitome of happiness and it is transmittable. Every time I talk or see them, they suddenly change my mood into happiness. They are genuine, that's why I enjoy talking to them. They teach me how to be happy and not to stay so long being worried and sad. Their smile and laugh makes me smile also and it is contagious.
Engaging in my hobby which is writing and coloring books gives me happiness. Joining in Good Info Net gives me a chance to share my thoughts and inspire the community with my writing. Coloring books gives me peace of mind and creativity which are the benefits of hobbies.

And most of all my greatest source of my happiness is my family and loved one. Knowing that we are safe from the peril of the pandemic and we still have foods on the table are already enough for me to be happy.

There are many reasons to be happy if we are going to look for it and we can cultivate it everywhere. I'm going to leave a quote to you from Dr. Steve Marabole “Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way of living; it is not something to be achieved, it is something to be experienced.”
