• Good News

Ressa Agustin


LOVE what a great word . There are different kinds of love we experience in our lives. Family love, frienship love and love made by two people . Some love tends us to be heartbroken and other love can feel us long lasting happiness. But sort of that sadness, heartbreak, anger, down affiliated with love. They say if you don't feel sad or cried even once it means you really don't love that person. But the love we showed for them is not always verbally but ofcourse our action. We, sometimes feel this feelings but it can make us stronger and be minded to choose someone else better than the first. Don't give up in love because there is one person who truly love us even in our most darkest time . A person who will love you wholeheartedly and accept you for who you really are.  LET'S SPREAD THE LOVE
