"I want to glow up" That's what your brain keeps on telling you when you see a friend or a girl/boy that glows up and become the better version of thereself. You keep on saying that tommorrow I will going to wake up early and run and too exercised to loose weight and then I'll buy skincares to treat my skin and to achieved my goals to glow up. You also take down notes in your notebook and write all things you want to change and be the best version of you. But, the day passed and there! tommorrow comes, that lazy feeling of yours visit early in the morning and ended up not doing all the things you want to do. And then you feel guilty and you blame yourself. Days, months passed and you scan each pages of the notebook where you wrote all of your plans. Days and Months passed and while scrolling in the youtube App you found a better and cool workout. and then, you want to start again. Get Up, what happen in the past will stay in the past. And what is happening today is a present to yourself. when you didn't do what you want to do before, then It's the sign now to GET UP AND PURSUE YOUR GLOW UP. IT'S NOT YET TOO LATE. GO GET UP! AND BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU.