• Good News


Daily Life#2 JR

20th July, 2020
One of my relatives leaves their house after lock down in our city (Manila) last second week of July. His mother came to our house to see whether his son was seen here, I answered "No auntie, we didn't seen him and actually no children or teenager under 18 years  old below is allowed to go outside. She was disappointed and sad. My relative is underage, of course we were worried that the police will capture him because his mother was suffering due to financial crisis to her. She didn't have money left just to provide her children, even she is a single mother.

On the next day, the sibling of my relative call 911 to report 'he is missing' also, they contact his friends maybe that he resides in. Still, I keep updating his mother if he was there already. 

A few days later, my relative came home and I still don't know where he resided until yesterday, my mom came home from work and called her sister that lives in our province now and experience 14 days of quarantine. My mom talk to him (my relative that I mention) and ask "where were you at that time? Don't lie to me, tell me the truth" I overheard their conversation so I know. My relative sleeps nearby our home on the streets for 2 days, just when I heard it, I was surprised that the police didn't catch him as  if he's acting like a beggar. My mom also surprises and also laughed, why? My mom realizes that he misses the home that he reside before his mom took him away(which is our home). 
I have questioned myself recently, if he resides on the streets nearby, why didn't he visit our house to live instead? That's my biggest question for me though I wanted to speak with him yet my mom scolded him like her own son doing the wrong chores through the phone.

Overall, I was so happy that he's safe and sound even though there is a pandemic crisis.
