What makes my day beautiful? What makes my day beautiful is that I start my day with a smile. That's one of the reminders to myself that I want to keep forever even when I have a family and get old. I'll remind my future son and daughter to start their day with a smile. because smile is an infectious disease that affects everyone. Don't adapt what's in the room, instead influence the room. If you want your day to be beautiful you don't just wait for something to happen miraculously just so you can call your day beautiful. Start it with yourself, be the change you want for the change. The moment you wake up in the morning or even late in the morning, pray and thank God that you woke up today. Next thing you do, do what makes you feel like that will make you get going throughout the day, make breakfast and coffee, take your dog out or have an exercise or meditate. Do everything that will keep you busy throughout the day, and do everything you do with love. At the end of the day you'll notice, you never got the time to be sad and overthink about things that doesn't make sense. Instead, you've done things that benefits you even more. A simple breakfast, brunch, or even a small accomplished goal made you get going throughout the day. Simple gestures too can make your day, compliment someone, make someone happy or buy something for your love one. There are other things that can be done to make your day beautiful and you'll know it if you know how to start your own day beautiful too. To summarize what makes my day beautiful, I smile, have hope and be grateful and remind myself that this day is a new day to be blessed to make everyone feel good for their day too. ❤ It's been a while Good Info Net friends, I also wanna hear what makes your day beautiful too? 🙆🤗