If you want to feel better about yourself, more motivated, and improve your -self-esteem, acquire this habit that will always focus on the positive - to be thankful. 1. AWAKENING ALIVE Just waking up is something we should be grateful for every day of our lives. Being alive allows us to love, enhoy, amke decisions, act, and make our day the best. 2. BREATHE DECENT AIR This is not so easy when you live in a city that has a lot of pollution. However, we should be grateful that even with that contamination, we breathe and live! There is not doubt that our bodies are a miracle. Becasue for those of us who live in cities with pollution, our bodies somehow adapt adn continue to circulate. It you reside in a place with little or no pollution, be thanful twice. 3. A NEW DAY TO LEARN AND EARN OUR DAILY BREAD Be thankful every day for the opportunity you have to learn something new. And for having the chance to receive some financial compensation if you have a job. Many people don't have the opportunity to learn or work. So, be thankful for the given opportunity. 4. A HOME IN WHICH WE LIVE, EAT, SLEEP, AND RELAX We really are fortunate if we are not of those who live in a car, in an abandoned house, or building. In a shack or on a bench in a aprk. Visualize a person who doesn't have a home when you complain that you house or apartment is very hot or cold. Or for a very high electricity bill. 5. EAT CLEAN FOOD AND HAVE THE OPTION TO SATIATE OUR HUNGER Most of us have not seen the need to make queues for 2 and up to 4 hours to buy some bread or some eggs. We don't know what it must feel like waiting for a Red Cross truck loaded with rice boxes for the needy. We have never had to stop in the back of a restaurant to wait for them to take leftovers out of the food to be able to feed us. All this is something that we have to keep in mind whenever we feed ourselves, and we thank the opportunity to be able to do it. 6. FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND PETS Most of us have one or more of these things in life. In some aprts of the country and the world, some people and children are alone. Thos who don't have friends or relatives, or even a pet. Be thankful for what you have of these three things every day of your life. Because that means that you are not alone. 7. THE CLOTHES WE WEAR There are many people who don't have the basics to dress, much less to protect themselves from the environment. Keep in mind if you count on it, be thankful for it, adn think of others when you check the clothes that you no longer use. 8. THE GIFT OF BEING ABLE TO CHOOSE Although sometimes we feel stuck in the way, we always have the possibility to choose what we want to do to change and achieve our goals. This is truly a gift. We always have a choice, to choose our way. And this is generally taken for granted, ignored or not used or developed enough. 9. EVERY PLEASANT MOMENT IN OUR LIVES There are many moments during the day when we have pleasant experiences with ourselves adn otehrs that we should be thankful for. Because all those moments together are the ones that make up the peace and happiness of every huamn being. 10. WE ARE HEALTHY EVERY DAY With health, we can do everything we want. We can fulfill our goals and feel good about ourselves. Therefore, practice appreciation every day, you will improve you life without realizing it. Get organized to live better! #Thankful #Gratitude #Blessed